Stretching Classes

Have you got some concerns about mobility or other health issues? Enroll in stretching classes to improve your health.

Everyone knows it is important to stretch before, and often after, exercising. Stretching is meant to keep muscles limber and improve flexibility. It is also a good practice to get into each day, regardless of exercise routines. Yet, not everyone stretches as often as they should. When people do stretch, they often do not do it properly. Therefore, they cannot reap all of its potential benefits.

In recent years, stretching studios and classes have become quite common. They are designed to help students learn proper stretching techniques. Using the proper techniques and stretching daily is the best way to reap the most rewards from stretching. If you are interested in signing up for a stretching class, you must locate classes in your area. It is also important to know how stretching can help you and what types of stretching classes most suit your needs. Here are some important facts about stretching classes to help you select your ideal class.

What Types of Stretching Classes Are Available?

The types of stretching classes available are quite varied in nature. Some are designed for beginning stretchers. Such classes often review various muscle groups. Instructors teach techniques for movement-based stretching and stretches that involve holding positions in such classes. The latter is called static stretching. Other stretching classes are based on particular stretching techniques or reasons for stretching. Some examples include classes with the following themes:

  • Yoga-based Stretch Classes

  • Endurance Training Stretch Classes (For Cyclists, Long Distance Runners Etc.)

  • Foam Rolling Stretch Classes

  • Custom Stretch Classes Based on Various Techniques and Principles

What Are Some Physical Benefits of Attending Stretching Classes? 

When muscles are not exercised properly they contract, which means they tighten and become short. That can happen to many muscles when they are not stretched properly or used regularly. However, it is particularly common in leg muscles of workers who have sedentary jobs, such as office workers. Stretching is essential for such individuals because it keeps muscles strong and long. Therefore, range of motion is maintained.

Improved flexibility is another physical benefit of stretching. Often, that improved flexibility goes hand-in-hand with better balance. The physical improvements in flexibility that come from stretching do not occur instantly. Instead, they are gradual improvements over time. Therefore, a student who attends regular stretching classes can continue to reap new rewards from those classes as time passes. For instance, stretching on a regular basis leads to reduced injury risks. That is because imbalances in muscle tone or strength are less likely. Therefore, muscles are not pulled as easily.

What Are Some Other Benefits of Attending Stretching Classes?

Stretching classes have several non-physical benefits for students. For example, the reduction in physical stress on joints and muscles often leads to a reduction in mental stress for people who stretch regularly. Similarly, stretching increases serotonin levels and releases endorphins. That causes people who stretch regularly to typically feel happier or more content. They are also often better able to calm and focus their thoughts than non-stretchers.

Attending a stretching class is also excellent for improving social relationships. Everyone in the class is working to meet common goals. Therefore, it can help attendees build confidence and interact better with others. Stretching class students may even form long-lasting friendships. 

How Much Do Stretching Classes Usually Cost and What Factors Determine the Cost?

A stretching class can cost as little as $20 or over $100 per session. There is a wide level of cost variation. Each class is different, and so is each instructor. One of the biggest factors that determines cost is the type and size of the class. For example, a one-on-one assisted stretching session typically costs much more than a group stretching class. Other factors that influence costs may include:

  • Geographic Location

  • Session Duration

  • Types of Techniques Taught

Instructor credentials also often determine costs. One organization that offers stretching instructor certification is the American Sports & Fitness Association. However, many other organizations also offer similar certifications. Certification standards are not typically standardized or regulated. Yet, it is important for students to make sure stretch studios have instructors who have been trained by reliable institutions. Non-certified instructors may not teach healthy stretching techniques.

What Are Stretching Classes for Seniors?

Seniors tend to lose range of motion as they age. Although stretching is beneficial at all ages, it is particularly important for seniors. It can help them maintain range of motion or even restore some mobility that has already been lost. However, senior citizens often have unique medical and physical limitations. Those limitations often keep them from being able to safely perform certain stretching techniques.

A stretching class for seniors is one designed specifically to meet the stretching needs of senior citizens with mobility issues or other physical safety concerns. Instructors in a senior stretching class often provide one-on-one assistance for each of the students, as needed. Those instructors provide tips and instructions specifically designed with senior safety in mind. They also help their senior students benefit from stretching as much as possible to help stave off stiffness and other undesired side effects of aging.

Often, senior stretching classes are adaptive for students with different ability levels or limitations. For example, there are classes available for seniors in wheelchairs or those who use walkers. Such classes help seniors stretch muscles they can stretch in a safe way. Often, instructors or assistants can also help seniors stretch muscles in limbs they have difficulty moving on their own. However, classes for physically able and active seniors are also prevalent. That is why researching to find the proper class for the needs of the student is essential.

How Can You Find Senior Stretching Classes?

If you or a loved one is interested in a senior stretching class, you may wonder how to locate one. There are gyms all over the country offering stretching classes designed for seniors. Many of them are operated by well known organizations, such as the YMCA. Several tools are also available to help you locate senior stretching classes. They include this one created by AARP and maintained by the International Council on Aging. It lists senior fitness classes by location and activity level. You can also check with your local senior living center or Council on Aging office for other senior stretching class resources.